
paddle. put_along_axis ( arr, indices, values, axis, reduce='assign', include_self=True, broadcast=True ) [source]

Put values into the destination array by given indices matrix along the designated axis.

  • arr (Tensor) – The Destination Tensor. Supported data types are float32 and float64.

  • indices (Tensor) – Indices to put along each 1d slice of arr. This must match the dimension of arr, and need to broadcast against arr if broadcast is ‘True’. Supported data type are int and int64.

  • values (Tensor) – The value element(s) to put. The data types should be same as arr.

  • axis (int) – The axis to put 1d slices along.

  • reduce (str, optional) – The reduce operation, default is ‘assign’, support ‘add’, ‘assign’, ‘mul’, ‘multiply’, “mean”, “amin” and “amax”.

  • include_self (bool, optional) – whether to reduce with the elements of arr, default is ‘True’.

  • broadcast (bool, optional) – whether to broadcast indices, default is ‘True’.


Tensor, The indexed element, same dtype with arr


>>> import paddle

>>> x = paddle.to_tensor([[10, 30, 20], [60, 40, 50]])
>>> index = paddle.to_tensor([[0]])
>>> value = 99
>>> axis = 0
>>> result = paddle.put_along_axis(x, index, value, axis)
>>> print(result)
Tensor(shape=[2, 3], dtype=int64, place=Place(cpu), stop_gradient=True,
[[99, 99, 99],
 [60, 40, 50]])

>>> index = paddle.zeros((2,2)).astype("int32")
>>> value=paddle.to_tensor([[1,2],[3,4]]).astype(x.dtype)
>>> result = paddle.put_along_axis(x, index, value, 0, "add", True, False)
>>> print(result)
Tensor(shape=[2, 3], dtype=int64, place=Place(cpu), stop_gradient=True,
[[14, 36, 20],
 [60, 40, 50]])

>>> result = paddle.put_along_axis(x, index, value, 0, "mul", True, False)
>>> print(result)
Tensor(shape=[2, 3], dtype=int64, place=Place(cpu), stop_gradient=True,
[[30 , 240, 20 ],
 [60 , 40 , 50 ]])

>>> result = paddle.put_along_axis(x, index, value, 0, "mean", True, False)
>>> print(result)
Tensor(shape=[2, 3], dtype=int64, place=Place(cpu), stop_gradient=True,
[[4 , 12, 20],
 [60, 40, 50]])

>>> result = paddle.put_along_axis(x, index, value, 0, "amin", True, False)
>>> print(result)
Tensor(shape=[2, 3], dtype=int64, place=Place(cpu), stop_gradient=True,
[[1 , 2 , 20],
 [60, 40, 50]])

>>> result = paddle.put_along_axis(x, index, value, 0, "amax", True, False)
>>> print(result)
Tensor(shape=[2, 3], dtype=int64, place=Place(cpu), stop_gradient=True,
[[10, 30, 20],
 [60, 40, 50]])

>>> result = paddle.put_along_axis(x, index, value, 0, "add", False, False)
>>> print(result)
Tensor(shape=[2, 3], dtype=int64, place=Place(cpu), stop_gradient=True,
[[4 , 6 , 20],
 [60, 40, 50]])