
paddle. load ( path, **configs ) [source]

Load an object can be used in paddle from specified path.


Now supports loading state_dict of Layer/Optimizer, Tensor and nested structure containing Tensor, Program.


In order to use the model parameters saved by paddle more efficiently, paddle.load supports loading state_dict of Layer from the result of other save APIs except paddle.save , but the argument path format is different: 1. loading from paddle.static.save or paddle.Model().save(training=True) , path needs to be a complete file name, such as model.pdparams or model.pdopt ; 2. loading from paddle.jit.save or paddle.static.save_inference_model or paddle.Model().save(training=False) , path need to be a file prefix, such as model/mnist, and paddle.load will get information from mnist.pdmodel and mnist.pdiparams ; 3. loading from paddle 1.x APIs paddle.fluid.io.save_inference_model or paddle.fluid.io.save_params/save_persistables , path need to be a directory, such as model and model is a directory.


If you load state_dict from the saved result of static graph mode API such as paddle.static.save or paddle.static.save_inference_model , the structured variable name in dynamic mode will cannot be restored. You need to set the argument use_structured_name=False when using Layer.set_state_dict later.

  • path (str|BytesIO) – The path/buffer to load the target object. Generally, the path is the target file path. When loading state_dict from the saved result of the API used to save the inference model, the path may be a file prefix or directory.

  • **configs (dict, optional) – other load configuration options for compatibility. We do not recommend using these configurations, they may be removed in the future. If not necessary, DO NOT use them. Default None. The following options are currently supported: (1) model_filename (str): The inference model file name of the paddle 1.x save_inference_model save format. Default file name is __model__ . (2) params_filename (str): The persistable variables file name of the paddle 1.x save_inference_model save format. No default file name, save variables separately by default. (3) return_numpy(bool): If specified as True, return tensor as numpy.ndarray, otherwise return tensor as paddle.Tensor. Default False.


a target object can be used in paddle

Return type



# example 1: dynamic graph
import paddle
emb = paddle.nn.Embedding(10, 10)
layer_state_dict = emb.state_dict()

# save state_dict of emb
paddle.save(layer_state_dict, "emb.pdparams")

scheduler = paddle.optimizer.lr.NoamDecay(
    d_model=0.01, warmup_steps=100, verbose=True)
adam = paddle.optimizer.Adam(
opt_state_dict = adam.state_dict()

# save state_dict of optimizer
paddle.save(opt_state_dict, "adam.pdopt")
# save weight of emb
paddle.save(emb.weight, "emb.weight.pdtensor")

# load state_dict of emb
load_layer_state_dict = paddle.load("emb.pdparams")
# load state_dict of optimizer
load_opt_state_dict = paddle.load("adam.pdopt")
# load weight of emb
load_weight = paddle.load("emb.weight.pdtensor")
# example 2: Load multiple state_dict at the same time
import paddle
from paddle import nn
from paddle.optimizer import Adam

layer = paddle.nn.Linear(3, 4)
adam = Adam(learning_rate=0.001, parameters=layer.parameters())
obj = {'model': layer.state_dict(), 'opt': adam.state_dict(), 'epoch': 100}
path = 'example/model.pdparams'
paddle.save(obj, path)
obj_load = paddle.load(path)
# example 3: static graph
import paddle
import paddle.static as static


# create network
x = paddle.static.data(name="x", shape=[None, 224], dtype='float32')
z = paddle.static.nn.fc(x, 10)

place = paddle.CPUPlace()
exe = paddle.static.Executor(place)
prog = paddle.static.default_main_program()
for var in prog.list_vars():
    if list(var.shape) == [224, 10]:
        tensor = var.get_value()

# save/load tensor
path_tensor = 'temp/tensor.pdtensor'
paddle.save(tensor, path_tensor)
load_tensor = paddle.load(path_tensor)

# save/load state_dict
path_state_dict = 'temp/model.pdparams'
paddle.save(prog.state_dict("param"), path_tensor)
load_state_dict = paddle.load(path_tensor)
# example 4: load program
import paddle


data = paddle.static.data(
    name='x_static_save', shape=(None, 224), dtype='float32')
y_static = z = paddle.static.nn.fc(data, 10)
main_program = paddle.static.default_main_program()
path = "example/main_program.pdmodel"
paddle.save(main_program, path)
load_main = paddle.load(path)
# example 5: save object to memory
from io import BytesIO
import paddle
from paddle.nn import Linear

linear = Linear(5, 10)
state_dict = linear.state_dict()
byio = BytesIO()
paddle.save(state_dict, byio)
tensor = paddle.randn([2, 3], dtype='float32')
paddle.save(tensor, byio)
# load state_dict
dict_load = paddle.load(byio)

Used in the guide/tutorials