Installation Guide¶
Installation Manuals¶
The manuals will guide you to build and install PaddlePaddle on your 64-bit desktop or laptop.
1. Operating system requirements:¶
Windows 7 / 8 / 10, Pro/Enterprise
Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04 / 20.04 / 22.04
CentOS 7
MacOS 10.11 / 10.12 / 10.13 / 10.14
64-bit operating system is required
2. Processor requirements:¶
Processor supports MKL
The processor architecture is x86_64(or called x64, Intel 64, AMD64). Currently, PaddlePaddle does not support arm64.
3. Version requirements of python and pip:¶
Python requires version 3.7/3.8/3.9/3.10
Python needs pip, and pip requires version 20.2.2 or above
Python and pip requires 64-bit
4. PaddlePaddle’s support for GPU:¶
Currently, PaddlePaddle supports CUDA driver of NVIDIA graphics card and ROCm driver of AMD card.
You need to install cuDNN , and version 7.6 is required(For CUDA10.1/10.2)
If you need GPU multi-card mode, you need to install NCCL 2
Only Ubuntu/CentOS support NCCL 2
You need to install CUDA , depending on your system, there are different requirements for CUDA version:
Windows install GPU version
Windows 7 / 8 / 10 support CUDA 10.2/11.2/11.6/11.7/11.8 single-card mode
don’t support install using nvidia-docker
Ubuntu install GPU version
Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04 / 20.04 / 22.04 supports CUDA 10.2/11.2/11.6/11.7/11.8/12.0
If you install using nvidia-docker , it supports CUDA 10.2/11.2/11.7/11.8/12.0
CentOS install GPU version
If you install using native pip :
CentOS 7 supports CUDA 10.2/11.2/11.6/11.7/11.8/12.0
If you compile and install using native source code:
CentOS 7 supports CUDA 10.2/11.2/11.6/11.7/11.8/12.0
If you install using nvidia-docker , CentOS 7 supports CUDA 10.2/11.2/11.7/11.8/12.0
MacOS isn’t supported: PaddlePaddle has no GPU support in Mac OS platform
Please make sure your environment meets the above conditions. If you have other requirements, please refer to Appendix .
5. PaddlePaddle’s support for NCCL:¶
Support for Windows
not support NCCL
Support for Ubuntu
Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04 / 20.04 / 22.04:
support NCCL v2.4.2-v2.4.8 under CUDA10.1
Support for CentOS
CentOS 6: not support NCCL
CentOS 7:
support NCCL v2.4.2-v2.4.8 under CUDA10.1
Support for MacOS
not support NCCL
The first way to install: use pip to install¶
You can choose any of the four ways to install: “use pip to install”, “use Conda to install”, “use Docker to install”, “compiling from the source code”
This section describes how to use pip to install.
You need to confirm that your operating system meets the requirements listed above
You need to confirm that your processor meets the requirements listed above
Confirm that the Python where you need to install PaddlePaddle is your expected location, because your computer may have multiple Python
Use the following command to output Python path. Depending on your environment, you may need to replace Python in all command lines in the description with specific Python path
In the Windows environment, the command to output Python path is:
where python
In the MacOS/Linux environment, the command to output Python path is:
which python
Check the version of Python
Confirm the Python is 3.7/3.8/3.9/3.10 using command
python --version
Check the version of pip and confirm it is 20.2.2 or above
python -m ensurepip python -m pip --version
Confirm that Python and pip is 64 bit,and the processor architecture is x86_64(or called x64、Intel 64、AMD64)architecture. Currently, PaddlePaddle doesn’t support arm64 architecture. The first line below outputs “64bit”, and the second line outputs “x86_64”, “x64” or “AMD64” :
python -c "import platform;print(platform.architecture()[0]);print(platform.machine())"
If you want to use pip to install PaddlePaddle, you can use the command below directly:
(1). CPU version : If you only want to install CPU version, please refer to command below
Command to install CPU version is:
python -m pip install paddlepaddle==2.5.0 -i
(2). GPU version : If you only want to install GPU version, please refer to command below
You need to confirm that your GPU meets the requirements listed above
Please attention that PaddlePaddle installed through command below only supports CUDA11.2 under Windows、Ubuntu、CentOS:
python -m pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==2.5.0 -i or python -m pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==2.5.0 -i
Please confirm that the Python where you need to install PaddlePaddle is your expected location, because your computer may have multiple Python. Depending on the environment, you may need to replace Python in all command lines in the instructions with Python 3 or specific Python path.
Verify installation
After the installation is complete, you can use python to enter the Python interpreter and then use import paddle and then paddle.utils.run_check() to verify that the installation was successful.
If PaddlePaddle is installed successfully! appears, it means the installation was successful.
For more information to help, please refer to:
The second way to install: compile and install with source code¶
If you use PaddlePaddle only, we suggest you installation methods pip to install.
If you need to develop PaddlePaddle, please refer to compile from source code