
paddle.nn.functional. margin_cross_entropy ( logits, label, margin1=1.0, margin2=0.5, margin3=0.0, scale=64.0, group=None, return_softmax=False, reduction='mean' ) [source]
\[L=-\frac{1}{N}\sum^N_{i=1}\log\frac{e^{s(cos(m_{1}\theta_{y_i}+m_{2})-m_{3})}}{e^{s(cos(m_{1}\theta_{y_i}+m_{2})-m_{3})}+\sum^n_{j=1,j\neq y_i} e^{scos\theta_{y_i}}}\]

where the \(\theta_{y_i}\) is the angle between the feature \(x\) and the representation of class \(i\). The details of ArcFace loss could be referred to


The API supports single GPU and multi GPU, and don’t supports CPU. For data parallel mode, set group=False. For model parallel mode, set group=None or the group instance return by paddle.distributed.new_group. And logits.shape[-1] can be different at each rank.

  • logits (Tensor) – shape[N, local_num_classes], the output of the normalized X multiply the normalized W. The logits is shard_logits when using model parallel.

  • label (Tensor) – shape[N] or shape[N, 1], the groud truth label.

  • margin1 (float, optional) – m1 of margin loss, default value is 1.0.

  • margin2 (float, optional) – m2 of margin loss, default value is 0.5.

  • margin3 (float, optional) – m3 of margin loss, default value is 0.0.

  • scale (float, optional) – s of margin loss, default value is 64.0.

  • group (Group, optional) – The group instance return by paddle.distributed.new_group or None for global default group or False for data parallel (do not communication cross ranks). Default is None.

  • return_softmax (bool, optional) – Whether return softmax probability. Default value is False.

  • reduction (str, optional) – The candicates are 'none' | 'mean' | 'sum'. If reduction is 'mean', return the average of loss; If reduction is 'sum', return the sum of loss; If reduction is 'none', no reduction will be applied. Default value is ‘mean’.


Tensor|tuple[Tensor, Tensor], return the cross entropy loss if

return_softmax is False, otherwise the tuple (loss, softmax), softmax is shard_softmax when using model parallel, otherwise softmax is in the same shape with input logits. If reduction == None, the shape of loss is [N, 1], otherwise the shape is [].


# required: gpu
# Single GPU
import paddle
m1 = 1.0
m2 = 0.5
m3 = 0.0
s = 64.0
batch_size = 2
feature_length = 4
num_classes = 4

label = paddle.randint(low=0, high=num_classes, shape=[batch_size], dtype='int64')

X = paddle.randn(
    shape=[batch_size, feature_length],
X_l2 = paddle.sqrt(paddle.sum(paddle.square(X), axis=1, keepdim=True))
X = paddle.divide(X, X_l2)

W = paddle.randn(
    shape=[feature_length, num_classes],
W_l2 = paddle.sqrt(paddle.sum(paddle.square(W), axis=0, keepdim=True))
W = paddle.divide(W, W_l2)

logits = paddle.matmul(X, W)
loss, softmax = paddle.nn.functional.margin_cross_entropy(
    logits, label, margin1=m1, margin2=m2, margin3=m3, scale=s, return_softmax=True, reduction=None)


#Tensor(shape=[2, 4], dtype=float64, place=CUDAPlace(0), stop_gradient=True,
#       [[ 0.85204151, -0.55557678,  0.04994566,  0.71986042],
#        [-0.20198586, -0.35270476, -0.55182702,  0.09749021]])
#Tensor(shape=[2], dtype=int64, place=CUDAPlace(0), stop_gradient=True,
#       [2, 3])
#Tensor(shape=[2, 1], dtype=float64, place=CUDAPlace(0), stop_gradient=True,
#       [[82.37059586],
#        [12.13448420]])
#Tensor(shape=[2, 4], dtype=float64, place=CUDAPlace(0), stop_gradient=True,
#       [[0.99978819, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00021181],
#        [0.99992995, 0.00006468, 0.00000000, 0.00000537]])
# required: distributed
# Multi GPU,
import paddle
import paddle.distributed as dist
strategy = dist.fleet.DistributedStrategy()
dist.fleet.init(is_collective=True, strategy=strategy)
rank_id = dist.get_rank()
m1 = 1.0
m2 = 0.5
m3 = 0.0
s = 64.0
batch_size = 2
feature_length = 4
num_class_per_card = [4, 8]
num_classes = paddle.sum(paddle.to_tensor(num_class_per_card))

label = paddle.randint(low=0, high=num_classes.item(), shape=[batch_size], dtype='int64')
label_list = []
dist.all_gather(label_list, label)
label = paddle.concat(label_list, axis=0)

X = paddle.randn(
    shape=[batch_size, feature_length],
X_list = []
dist.all_gather(X_list, X)
X = paddle.concat(X_list, axis=0)
X_l2 = paddle.sqrt(paddle.sum(paddle.square(X), axis=1, keepdim=True))
X = paddle.divide(X, X_l2)

W = paddle.randn(
    shape=[feature_length, num_class_per_card[rank_id]],
W_l2 = paddle.sqrt(paddle.sum(paddle.square(W), axis=0, keepdim=True))
W = paddle.divide(W, W_l2)

logits = paddle.matmul(X, W)
loss, softmax = paddle.nn.functional.margin_cross_entropy(
    logits, label, margin1=m1, margin2=m2, margin3=m3, scale=s, return_softmax=True, reduction=None)


# python -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus=0,1
## for rank0 input
#Tensor(shape=[4, 4], dtype=float64, place=CUDAPlace(0), stop_gradient=True,
#       [[ 0.32888934,  0.02408748, -0.02763289,  0.18173063],
#        [-0.52893978, -0.10623845, -0.21596515, -0.06432517],
#        [-0.00536345, -0.03924667,  0.66735314, -0.28640926],
#        [-0.09907366, -0.48534973, -0.10365338, -0.39472322]])
#Tensor(shape=[4], dtype=int64, place=CUDAPlace(0), stop_gradient=True,
#       [11, 1 , 10, 11])

## for rank1 input
#Tensor(shape=[4, 8], dtype=float64, place=CUDAPlace(1), stop_gradient=True,
#       [[ 0.68654754,  0.28137170,  0.69694954, -0.60923933, -0.57077653,  0.54576703, -0.38709028,  0.56028204],
#        [-0.80360371, -0.03042448, -0.45107338,  0.49559349,  0.69998950, -0.45411693,  0.61927630, -0.82808600],
#        [ 0.11457570, -0.34785879, -0.68819499, -0.26189226, -0.48241491, -0.67685711,  0.06510185,  0.49660849],
#        [ 0.31604851,  0.52087884,  0.53124749, -0.86176582, -0.43426329,  0.34786144, -0.10850784,  0.51566383]])
#Tensor(shape=[4], dtype=int64, place=CUDAPlace(1), stop_gradient=True,
#       [11, 1 , 10, 11])

## for rank0 output
#Tensor(shape=[4, 1], dtype=float64, place=CUDAPlace(0), stop_gradient=True,
#       [[38.96608230],
#        [81.28152394],
#        [69.67229865],
#        [31.74197251]])
#Tensor(shape=[4, 4], dtype=float64, place=CUDAPlace(0), stop_gradient=True,
#       [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
#        [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
#        [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.99998205, 0.00000000],
#        [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000]])
## for rank1 output
#Tensor(shape=[4, 1], dtype=float64, place=CUDAPlace(1), stop_gradient=True,
#       [[38.96608230],
#        [81.28152394],
#        [69.67229865],
#        [31.74197251]])
#Tensor(shape=[4, 8], dtype=float64, place=CUDAPlace(1), stop_gradient=True,
#       [[0.33943993, 0.00000000, 0.66051859, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00004148, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
#        [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000207, 0.99432097, 0.00000000, 0.00567696, 0.00000000],
#        [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00001795],
#        [0.00000069, 0.33993085, 0.66006319, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000528, 0.00000000, 0.00000000]])