Profiler 工具¶
Profiler 在 Lite 里分为性能 Profiler 和 精度 Profiler:
性能 Profiler :用于逐层耗时统计,可以获取到模型逐层 ARM CPU / X86 CPU / OpenCL 上 kernel 耗时信息。定位耗时潜在问题;
精度 Profiler :用于逐层精度统计,可以获取到模型逐层每个 Op 的输出 tensor 精度信息。
性能 Profiler¶
在编译 full_publish 预测库时,加入编译选项--with_profile=ON
. 例如:
针对 Android 平台,按照下面方式编译:
./lite/tools/ \
--arch=armv8 \
--toolchain=clang \
--android_stl=c++_static \
--with_profile=ON \
针对 x86 Linux 平台,按照下面方式编译:
./lite/tools/ \
--with_profile=ON \
通过 ADB shell 发送到手机的同一目录,同时把模型如mobilenet_v1.nb
也发送到手机上此目录,执行./mobilenetv1_light_api ./mobilenet_v1.nb
Detailed Dispatch Profiler Summary:单次推理的逐 OP 底层 Kernel 层运行耗时,即在
的前后统计耗时。会排除第一次的计时(因为第一次不准确相当于 wamrup ),若多次执行也会打印多次;Concise Create Profiler Summary:汇总统计的创建 Op 的耗时,即从
执行前。会排除掉前 10 次推理;Concise Dispatch Profiler Summary:汇总统计的运行 Op 的耗时,即在
的前后统计耗时,为 Lite 具体设备的底层 Kernel 层完整耗时,会排除掉前 10 次推理。
上述命令默认会推理 100 次,最后一次的Detailed Dispatch Profiler Summary
===== Detailed Dispatch Profiler Summary: N/A, Exclude 1 warm-ups =====
OperatorType KerneAttr(Place) KernelFuncName Remark InDim FilterDim OutDim Avg(ms) Min(ms) Max(ms) Last(ms) Avg(%) GOPs GOPS
conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv_3x3s2_direct_fp32 3x3p1s2g1d1BiasRelu 1x3x224x224 32x3x3x3 1x32x112x112 0.735 0.709 0.865 0.718 2.60% 0.022 29.50
depthwise_conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv_depthwise_3x3_fp32 3x3p1s1g32d1BiasRelu 1x32x112x112 32x1x3x3 1x32x112x112 0.318 0.308 0.370 0.314 1.13% 0.007 22.69
conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv1x1s1_gemm_fp32 1x1p0s1g1d1BiasRelu 1x32x112x112 64x32x1x1 1x64x112x112 1.370 1.347 1.445 1.368 4.85% 0.051 37.51
depthwise_conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv_depthwise_3x3_fp32 3x3p1s2g64d1BiasRelu 1x64x112x112 64x1x3x3 1x64x56x56 0.299 0.272 0.364 0.315 1.06% 0.004 12.08
conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv1x1s1_gemm_fp32 1x1p0s1g1d1BiasRelu 1x64x56x56 128x64x1x1 1x128x56x56 1.256 1.241 1.315 1.244 4.44% 0.051 40.92
depthwise_conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv_depthwise_3x3_fp32 3x3p1s1g128d1BiasRelu 1x128x56x56 128x1x3x3 1x128x56x56 0.297 0.290 0.325 0.292 1.05% 0.007 24.33
conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv1x1s1_gemm_fp32 1x1p0s1g1d1BiasRelu 1x128x56x56 128x128x1x1 1x128x56x56 2.436 2.410 2.526 2.433 8.62% 0.103 42.19
depthwise_conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv_depthwise_3x3_fp32 3x3p1s2g128d1BiasRelu 1x128x56x56 128x1x3x3 1x128x28x28 0.120 0.117 0.137 0.119 0.42% 0.002 15.05
conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv1x1s1_gemm_fp32 1x1p0s1g1d1BiasRelu 1x128x28x28 256x128x1x1 1x256x28x28 1.218 1.195 1.255 1.211 4.31% 0.051 42.20
depthwise_conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv_depthwise_3x3_fp32 3x3p1s1g256d1BiasRelu 1x256x28x28 256x1x3x3 1x256x28x28 0.151 0.147 0.189 0.149 0.53% 0.004 23.90
conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv1x1s1_gemm_fp32 1x1p0s1g1d1BiasRelu 1x256x28x28 256x256x1x1 1x256x28x28 2.371 2.343 2.408 2.384 8.39% 0.103 43.34
depthwise_conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv_depthwise_3x3_fp32 3x3p1s2g256d1BiasRelu 1x256x28x28 256x1x3x3 1x256x14x14 0.071 0.069 0.076 0.070 0.25% 0.001 12.80
conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv1x1s1_gemm_fp32 1x1p0s1g1d1BiasRelu 1x256x14x14 512x256x1x1 1x512x14x14 1.207 1.174 1.229 1.211 4.27% 0.051 42.57
depthwise_conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv_depthwise_3x3_fp32 3x3p1s1g512d1BiasRelu 1x512x14x14 512x1x3x3 1x512x14x14 0.103 0.101 0.130 0.101 0.36% 0.002 17.61
conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv1x1s1_gemm_fp32 1x1p0s1g1d1BiasRelu 1x512x14x14 512x512x1x1 1x512x14x14 2.358 2.313 2.389 2.351 8.34% 0.103 43.59
depthwise_conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv_depthwise_3x3_fp32 3x3p1s1g512d1BiasRelu 1x512x14x14 512x1x3x3 1x512x14x14 0.103 0.101 0.116 0.109 0.36% 0.002 17.54
conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv1x1s1_gemm_fp32 1x1p0s1g1d1BiasRelu 1x512x14x14 512x512x1x1 1x512x14x14 2.351 2.317 2.383 2.347 8.32% 0.103 43.72
depthwise_conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv_depthwise_3x3_fp32 3x3p1s1g512d1BiasRelu 1x512x14x14 512x1x3x3 1x512x14x14 0.103 0.101 0.118 0.102 0.36% 0.002 17.53
conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv1x1s1_gemm_fp32 1x1p0s1g1d1BiasRelu 1x512x14x14 512x512x1x1 1x512x14x14 2.360 2.316 2.401 2.357 8.35% 0.103 43.55
depthwise_conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv_depthwise_3x3_fp32 3x3p1s1g512d1BiasRelu 1x512x14x14 512x1x3x3 1x512x14x14 0.103 0.101 0.112 0.103 0.36% 0.002 17.57
conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv1x1s1_gemm_fp32 1x1p0s1g1d1BiasRelu 1x512x14x14 512x512x1x1 1x512x14x14 2.356 2.316 2.392 2.352 8.33% 0.103 43.62
depthwise_conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv_depthwise_3x3_fp32 3x3p1s1g512d1BiasRelu 1x512x14x14 512x1x3x3 1x512x14x14 0.103 0.101 0.116 0.101 0.36% 0.002 17.58
conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv1x1s1_gemm_fp32 1x1p0s1g1d1BiasRelu 1x512x14x14 512x512x1x1 1x512x14x14 2.361 2.321 2.400 2.360 8.35% 0.103 43.52
depthwise_conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv_depthwise_3x3_fp32 3x3p1s2g512d1BiasRelu 1x512x14x14 512x1x3x3 1x512x7x7 0.048 0.046 0.083 0.047 0.17% 0.000 9.48
conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv1x1s1_gemm_fp32 1x1p0s1g1d1BiasRelu 1x512x7x7 1024x512x1x1 1x1024x7x7 1.263 1.187 1.294 1.278 4.47% 0.051 40.69
depthwise_conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv_depthwise_3x3_fp32 3x3p1s1g1024d1BiasRelu 1x1024x7x7 1024x1x3x3 1x1024x7x7 0.060 0.059 0.068 0.060 0.21% 0.001 14.93
conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv1x1s1_gemm_fp32 1x1p0s1g1d1BiasRelu 1x1024x7x7 1024x1024x1x1 1x1024x7x7 2.441 2.359 2.474 2.439 8.63% 0.103 42.10
pool2d arm/float/NCHW NotImpl globalavgEXPLICIT 1x1024x7x7 N/A 1x1024x1x1 0.014 0.012 0.029 0.013 0.05% 0.000 3.63
fc arm/float/NCHW NotImpl Bias 1x1024x1x1 1024x1000 1x1000 0.287 0.271 0.324 0.293 1.01% 0.003 10.71
softmax arm/float/NCHW NotImpl axis-1 1x1000 N/A 1x1000 0.006 0.005 0.008 0.006 0.02% 0.000 0.95
Concise Create Profiler Summary
和Concise Dispatch Profiler Summary
只会打印 1 次,如下所示。
[I 10/13 11: 1:19. 51 .../addpass/Paddle-Lite/lite/core/program.h:216 ~RuntimeProgram]
Timing cycle = 100
===== Concise Create Profiler Summary: N/A, Exclude 10 warm-ups =====
OperatorType KerneAttr(Place) KernelFuncName Avg(ms) Min(ms) Max(ms) Avg(%) GOPs CalledTimes
conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv1x1s1_gemm_fp32 0.015 0.004 0.071 49.91% 1.079 13
conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv_3x3s2_direct_fp32 0.001 0.001 0.002 4.64% 0.022 1
depthwise_conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv_depthwise_3x3_fp32 0.010 0.000 0.018 31.75% 0.035 13
fc arm/float/NCHW NotImpl 0.002 0.001 0.011 5.57% 0.003 1
pool2d arm/float/NCHW NotImpl 0.002 0.001 0.002 5.16% 0.000 1
softmax arm/float/NCHW NotImpl 0.001 0.000 0.002 2.97% 0.000 1
[I 10/13 11: 1:19. 51 .../addpass/Paddle-Lite/lite/core/program.h:217 ~RuntimeProgram]
Timing cycle = 100
===== Concise Dispatch Profiler Summary: N/A, Exclude 10 warm-ups =====
OperatorType KerneAttr(Place) KernelFuncName Avg(ms) Min(ms) Max(ms) Avg(%) GOPs CalledTimes
conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv1x1s1_gemm_fp32 25.381 24.985 25.896 89.79% 1.079 13
conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv_3x3s2_direct_fp32 0.727 0.709 0.793 2.57% 0.022 1
depthwise_conv2d arm/float/NCHW conv_depthwise_3x3_fp32 1.855 1.810 2.160 6.56% 0.035 13
fc arm/float/NCHW NotImpl 0.285 0.277 0.318 1.01% 0.003 1
pool2d arm/float/NCHW NotImpl 0.013 0.012 0.015 0.05% 0.000 1
softmax arm/float/NCHW NotImpl 0.006 0.005 0.008 0.02% 0.000 1
上面是 Android 端 Arm CPU 的性能 Profiler 结果,根据 KernelFuncName 耗时百分占比,可以进一步分析潜在性能问题。
精度 Profiler¶
在编译 full_publish 预测库时,加入编译选项--with_precision_profile=ON
. 例如:
针对移动端 Android 平台,按照下面方式编译:
./lite/tools/ \
--with_precision_profile=ON \
针对 x86 Linux 平台,按照下面方式编译:
./lite/tools/ \
--with_precision_profile=ON \
通过 ADB shell 发送到手机的同一目录,同时把模型如mobilenet_v1.nb
也发送到手机上此目录,执行./mobilenetv1_light_api ./mobilenet_v1.nb
========================================= Detailed Precision Profiler Summary =========================================
operator:(kernel_info) output_tensor_name:(tensor_info) dims mean std_deviation ave_grow_rate*
conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_0.tmp_3_1:arm/float/NCHW {1,32,112,112} 0.446896 0.518169 19.234488
depthwise_conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_1.tmp_3_1:arm/float/NCHW {1,32,112,112} 0.570640 0.665590 209.341221
conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_0.tmp_3_2:arm/float/NCHW {1,64,112,112} 0.316004 0.304760 88.818940
depthwise_conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_1.tmp_3_2:arm/float/NCHW {1,64,56,56} 0.324968 0.447986 90.012883
conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_0.tmp_3_3:arm/float/NCHW {1,128,56,56} 0.272442 0.228168 43.343078
depthwise_conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_1.tmp_3_3:arm/float/NCHW {1,128,56,56} 0.304168 0.306793 225.627028
conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_0.tmp_3_4:arm/float/NCHW {1,128,56,56} 0.141191 0.187449 175.758147
depthwise_conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_1.tmp_3_4:arm/float/NCHW {1,128,28,28} 0.345938 0.350929 83.093575
conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_0.tmp_3_5:arm/float/NCHW {1,256,28,28} 0.194089 0.175237 58.395946
depthwise_conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_1.tmp_3_5:arm/float/NCHW {1,256,28,28} 0.163017 0.249815 369.975693
conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_0.tmp_3_6:arm/float/NCHW {1,256,28,28} 0.109570 0.157070 126.682379
depthwise_conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_1.tmp_3_6:arm/float/NCHW {1,256,14,14} 0.288670 0.379004 326.557287
conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_0.tmp_3_7:arm/float/NCHW {1,512,14,14} 0.161610 0.194230 108.015092
depthwise_conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_1.tmp_3_7:arm/float/NCHW {1,512,14,14} 0.137904 0.217275 580.738652
conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_0.tmp_3_8:arm/float/NCHW {1,512,14,14} 0.131515 0.152164 262.648490
depthwise_conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_1.tmp_3_8:arm/float/NCHW {1,512,14,14} 0.172808 0.239339 482.977186
conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_0.tmp_3_9:arm/float/NCHW {1,512,14,14} 0.100261 0.139923 298.286828
depthwise_conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_1.tmp_3_9:arm/float/NCHW {1,512,14,14} 0.187229 0.249410 428.661308
conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_0.tmp_3_10:arm/float/NCHW {1,512,14,14} 0.095613 0.138695 304.580973
depthwise_conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_1.tmp_3_10:arm/float/NCHW {1,512,14,14} 0.210138 0.274737 511.803464
conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_0.tmp_3_11:arm/float/NCHW {1,512,14,14} 0.089060 0.146312 430.252419
depthwise_conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_1.tmp_3_11:arm/float/NCHW {1,512,14,14} 0.216164 0.308152 616.695792
conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_0.tmp_3_12:arm/float/NCHW {1,512,14,14} 0.065522 0.128159 319.802496
depthwise_conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_1.tmp_3_12:arm/float/NCHW {1,512,7,7} 0.199970 0.350766 991.288010
conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_0.tmp_3_13:arm/float/NCHW {1,1024,7,7} 0.019780 0.076383 177.504131
depthwise_conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_1.tmp_3_13:arm/float/NCHW {1,1024,7,7} 0.120542 0.246950 319.743111
conv2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_0.tmp_3_14:arm/float/NCHW {1,1024,7,7} 0.092912 0.328396 927.917227
pool2d:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_1.tmp_3_14:arm/float/NCHW {1,1024,1,1} 0.092912 0.287532 4342.388333
fc:arm/float/NCHW batch_norm_0.tmp_3_15:arm/float/NCHW {1,1000} 0.000057 1.285440 -0.573233
softmax:arm/float/NCHW save_infer_model/scale_0.tmp_1_1:arm/float/NCHW {1,1000} 0.001000 0.002196 2.854896
1. `ave_grow_rate`: show the sequence value of tensor when std_dev & mean are same.
2. Enable write each output tensor to file: `export PADDLELITE_PRECISION_WRITE_TO_FILE=1` on ADB command line.
对每个 output tensor 除了有维度/设备/数据排布/精度信息外,还有 3 个数值来表示,用于快速核验:
):该 tensor 所有元素的和值除以元素个数。反应整体的平均值情况;标准差(
):该 tensor 距离均值的波动程度。一般来说,均值和标准差就能确定该 tensor 的正确性;序列值(
):该 tensor 从起始元素到最后一个元素的变化情况,反应整体的序列变化情况。当两组 tensor 均值和标准差一样,但是序列即出现的位次不同时,该值也不同。
序列值的算法 从第二个元素起始,通过对当前元素减去前一个数并对差值除以前一个数,并将所有值累加,并将累加值除以总的元素个数。 序列值的计算过程伪代码为:
// compute ave_grow_rate of tensor output for (size_t i = 1; i < output.length; ++i) { ave_grow_rate += (output[i] - output[i - 1]) / (output[i - 1] + eps); } ave_grow_rate /= output.length;
此外,若要保存每个 OP 的每个数据输出到文件,可以在 ADB Shell 环境里执行前加入export PADDLELITE_PRECISION_WRITE_TO_FILE=1
Profiler 架构设计¶
Op 层信息:
struct Instruction::SetProfileRuntimeOpInfo
派生出的子类 Op 重写如./lite/operator/conv_op.h
中的class ConvOpLite : public OpLite
方法实现了对 Conv Op 信息获取,从而实现了在Instruction::SetProfileRuntimeOpInfo
中获取每个 Op 的信息。Kernel 层信息:
class KernelBase::SetProfileRuntimeKernelInfo(profile::OpCharacter* ch)
派生的最终子类,如class ReluCompute : public KernelLite<TARGET(kARM), PRECISION(kFloat)>
,class KernelLite
派生而来,实现多态机制下的 Kernel 信息获取,如具体的底层 Kernel 名。
通过在 Op 层将OpLite*
结构体中,并将此结构体传递给 Kernel 层,实现获取所有的 Op 层与 Kernel 层信息。