- paddle.incubate.nn.functional. fused_feedforward ( x, linear1_weight, linear2_weight, linear1_bias=None, linear2_bias=None, ln1_scale=None, ln1_bias=None, ln2_scale=None, ln2_bias=None, dropout1_rate=0.5, dropout2_rate=0.5, activation='relu', ln1_epsilon=1e-05, ln2_epsilon=1e-05, pre_layer_norm=False, training=True, mode='upscale_in_train', ring_id=- 1, add_residual=True, name=None ) [source]
This is a fusion operator to compute feed forward layer in transformer model architecture. This operator only supports running on GPU. The function of the operator is consistent with the following pseudo code:
residual = x if pre_layer_norm: out = layer_norm1(x) else: out = x out = linear2(dropout1(activation(linear1(src)))) if add_residual: out = residual + dropout2(out) else: out = dropout2(out) if not pre_layer_norm: out = layer_norm2(out)
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – the input tensor could be 3-D tensor, the input data type could be float16, float32 or float64, the shape is`[batch_size, sequence_length, d_model]`.
linear1_weight (Tensor) – The weight of first linear, the data type is same as x, the shape is [d_model, dim_feedforward].
linear2_weight (Tensor) – The weight of second linear, the data type is same as x, the shape is [dim_feedforward, d_model].
linear1_bias (Tensor, optional) – The bias of first linear, the data type is same as x, the shape is [dim_feedforward]. Default None.
linear2_bias (Tensor, optional) – The bias of second linear, the data type is same as x, the shape is [d_model]. Default None.
ln1_scale (Tensor, optional) – the weight of first layer_norm, the data type is float32 or float64, the shape is same as x. Default None.
ln1_bias (Tensor, optional) – The bias of first layer_norm, the data type is float32 or float64, the shape is [d_model]. Default None.
ln2_scale (Tensor, optional) – The weight of second layer_norm, the data type is float32 or float64, the shape is same as x. Default None.
ln2_bias (Tensor, optional) – The bias of second layer_norm, the data type is float32 or float64, the shape is [d_model]. Default None.
dropout1_rate (float, optional) – The first dropout probability of setting units to zero. Default 0.5.
dropout2_rate (float, optional) – The second dropout probability of setting units to zero. Default 0.5.
activation (str, optional) – The activation. Default “relu”.
ln1_epsilon (float, optional) – Small float of first layer_norm added to denominator to avoid dividing by zero. Default is 1e-5.
ln2_epsilon (float, optional) – Small float of second layer_norm added to denominator to avoid dividing by zero. Default is 1e-5.
pre_layer_norm (bool, optional) – add layer_norm in the pre-processing stage or post-processing state.
training (bool, optional) – A flag indicating whether it is in train phrase or not. Default True.
mode (str, optional) –
[‘upscale_in_train’(default) | ‘downscale_in_infer’]
upscale_in_train(default), upscale the output at training time
train: out = input * mask / ( 1.0 - p )
inference: out = input
downscale_in_infer, downscale the output at inference
train: out = input * mask
inference: out = input * (1.0 - p)
ring_id (int, optional) – For distributed forward in tensor model parallel, only support NCCL. Default is -1, means not using tensor parallel.
add_residual (bool, optional) – Whether add residual at the end. Default is True.
name (str, optional) – Name for the operation (optional, default is None). For more information, please refer to Name.
- Returns
The output Tensor, the data type and shape is same as x.
- Return type
# required: gpu import paddle import paddle.incubate.nn.functional as F x = paddle.randn(shape=(1, 8, 8), dtype="float32") linear1_weight = paddle.randn(shape=(8, 8), dtype="float32") linear2_weight = paddle.randn(shape=(8, 8), dtype="float32") out = F.fused_feedforward(x, linear1_weight, linear2_weight) print(out.shape) # (1, 8, 8)