
class paddle.nn. RNNCellBase ( name_scope=None, dtype='float32' ) [source]

RNNCellBase is the base class for abstraction representing the calculations mapping the input and state to the output and new state. It is suitable to and mostly used in RNN.

get_initial_states ( batch_ref, shape=None, dtype=None, init_value=0.0, batch_dim_idx=0 )


Generate initialized states according to provided shape, data type and value.

  • batch_ref (Tensor) – A tensor, which shape would be used to determine the batch size, which is used to generate initial states. For batch_ref’s shape d, d[batch_dim_idx] is treated as batch size.

  • shape (list|tuple, optional) – A (possibly nested structure of) shape[s], where a shape is a list/tuple of integer. -1 (for batch size) will be automatically prepended if a shape does not starts with it. If None, property state_shape will be used. Defaults to None.

  • dtype (str|list|tuple, optional) – A (possibly nested structure of) data type[s]. The structure must be same as that of shape, except when all tensors’ in states has the same data type, a single data type can be used. If None and property cell.state_shape is not available, current default floating type of paddle is used. Defaults to None.

  • init_value (float, optional) – A float value used to initialize states. Defaults to 0.

  • batch_dim_idx (int, optional) – An integer indicating which dimension of the of batch_ref represents batch. Defaults to 0.


tensor of the provided shape and

dtype, or list of tensors that each satisfies the requirements, packed in the same structure as shape and type does.

Return type

init_states (Tensor|tuple|list)

property state_shape

Abstract method (property). Used to initialize states. A (possiblely nested structure of) shape[s], where a shape is a list/tuple of integers (-1 for batch size would be automatically inserted into a shape if shape is not started with it). Not necessary to be implemented if states are not initialized by get_initial_states or the shape argument is provided when using get_initial_states.

property state_dtype

Abstract method (property). Used to initialize states. A (possiblely nested structure of) data types[s]. The structure must be same as that of shape, except when all tensors’ in states has the same data type, a signle data type can be used. Not necessary to be implemented if states are not initialized by get_initial_states or the dtype argument is provided when using get_initial_states.