Supported Grammars


In this section we will talk about the supported grammars and unsupported grammars, also give some suggestions when the grammar is unsupported.

This article is mainly for the following scene :

  1. Not sure whether the dynamic graph model can be converted into a static graph correctly.

  2. There was a problem in the conversion process but don’t know how to troubleshoot.

  3. How to modify the source code to adapt dynamic-to-static grammar when there is an unsupported grammar

If you are new to the dynamic-to-static module, or are not familiar with this function, you are recommended to read Introduction to dynamic and static documents ;

If you want to export model for prediction, or want to learn more about this module, you are recommended to read: Predictive Model Export Tutorial ;

If you encounter problems with @to_static, or want to learn about debugging skills, you are recommended to read Error Debugging Experience.

Supported Grammars

category python grammar is it supported ? summary
Control flow keywords if-else Yes Adaptively recognize and convert to cond Op, or keep python if-else
while Yes Adaptively recognize and convert to While Op, or keep python if-else
for Yes Support iterative access to Tensor by for _ in x
Yes Support putting break and continue at any position inside a loop
return Yes Support putting return inside a loop
operators + - * / ** > < >= <= == Yes Support by operator overloading
and, or, not Yes 1.if both are tensors, convert to static graph.
2.if neither is tensor, degenerate to python operator.
3. If only one is tensor, degenerate to python operator, but the results is correct.
Type conversion operator Yes Convert to paddle.cast if operand is tensor
Paddle shape Tensor.shape() Partial support Support obtaining shape information, but there may be -1
python functions print(x) Yes Convert to PrintOp if operand is tensor
len() Yes Return the shape[0] if operand is tensor.
lambda expression Yes Use convert_call to convert lambda function
function call Yes Use convert_call to convert function recursively
recursively call No While converting, converted function can't get value from static tensor
list sort No Lists will be converted to TensorArray and TensorArray don't support sort
Errors and Exceptions assert Yes Convert to Assert if operand is tensor
Python containers list Partial support Lists will be converted to TensorArray. Only append, pop, index is supported
dict Yes ProgramTranslator will add the Tensors in a dict into PaddlePaddle static graph Program, so dict is supported by ProgramTranslator.
Third party library numpy Partial support We suggest to use PaddlePaddle APIs to replace numpy API in this case.



principle :

While in the dynamic graph, the code is interpreted and executed line by line, so the value of condition variables used by if are determined, which means that the logic branch of False will not be executed.

However, in the static graph, the control flow is realized through the cond operators. Each branch is represented by true_fn and false_fn respectively . Under this circumstance, the false_fn will be executed to build the computation graph.

When the condition variables in If are Tensor, if-else will be transformed to a cond operators.

When the condition variables in If aren’t Tensor, if-else will be executed as a python if-else code.

Note: When the condition variables in If are Tensor, the tensor.numel() must equal to 1.

Error correction guide:

  • When usingifstatement, please determine whether the type of condition variable is Paddle.Tensor. If it is not a Tensor type, it will be executed according to the normal python logic and will not be converted into a static graph.

  • Check the numel() of the condition variable is 1 .


principle :

When the condition variable in the while loop is Tensor, the while statement will be converted into the while_loop API statement in the static graph, otherwise it will run as a normal Python while.

Note: When the condition variables in If are Tensor, the tensor.numel() must equal to 1.

Error correction guide:

The same as if-elif-else

for loops

principle :

For loops have different semantics according to different usage. Normally, the use of for loops can be divided into the following categories:

  • for _ in range(len) : The statement will be converted into an equivalent Python while loop, and then the dynamic and static conversion will be performed according to the logic of the while loop.

  • for _ in x : When x is a python container or iterator, it will run with normal Python logic. When x is Tensor, it will be converted to obtain x[0], x[1],… in sequence.

  • for idx, val in enumerate(x) : When x is a Python container or iterator, it will run with normal python logic. When x is a Tensor, idx will be converted into a 1-D Tensor with value 0, 1, … in sequence. val will be converted into x[0], x[1], … every time in the loop.

In views of implementation, the for-loop will eventually be transformed into the corresponding while statement, and then use WhileOp for static graph.

examples :

def ForTensor(x):
    """Fetch element in x and print the square of each x element"""
    for i in x :
        print (i * i)
#usage: ForTensor(paddle.to_tensor(x))

return / break / continue

principle :

The current dynamic-to-static supports adding break and continue statements in for, while loops to change the control flow. It also supports adding return statements at any position inside the loop, and supports return tuples with different lengths and different dtypes of Tensor.

examples :

# break usage example :
def break_usage(x):
    tensor_idx = -1
    for idx, val in enumerate(x) :
        if val == 2.0 :
            tensor_idx = idx
            break  # <------- jump out of while loop when break ;
    return tensor_idx

When you execute

paddle.jit.to_static(break_usage)(paddle.to_tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])

the tensor_idx is Tensor([1])

Note : Although idx is integer here, the return value is still Tensor. Because tensor_idx is converted into Tensor in the while loop.

and / or / not

principle :

The dynamic-to-static module supports the conversion of and, or, and non-operators . According to the types of the two operands x and y, there will be different semantics:

  • If both x, y are tensors, this statement will be converted to static graph.

  • If neither x, y is tensor, this statement will degenerate to python operator.

  • If only one of them is tensor, this statement will degenerate to python operator, but the results are always correct.

Note : If executed according to the semantics of paddle, and or, and not no longer support the lazy mode, it means that both expressions will be evaluated, instead of evaluating y according to the value of x.

examples :

def and(x, y):
    z = y and x
    return z

Type conversion operator

principle :

In dynamic graphs, you can directly use python’s type conversion to convert Tensor types. For example, if x is a Tensor, float(x) can convert the data type of x to float.

Dynamic-to-static module will judge whether x is a Tensor at runtime. If so, use the static graph paddle.cast interface to convert to the target data type.

examples :

def float_convert(x):
    z = float(x)
    return z
# if the  x = Tensor([True]) ,then z = Tensor([1.0])

python function calls

Most circumstances of python function call is supported. The function calls will be converted into the form of convert_xxx(), and the data type of arguments will be determined during running the function. If some of arguments is Tensor, it will be transformed into a static computation graph; otherwise, it will be executed according to the original python semantics.

Some common functions are illustrated:

  • print (x) If the parameter is Tensor, print(x) can print the value of x in dynamic graph mode.While in dynamic-to-static graph model, It will be converted into a Print call. If the parameter is not Tensor, it will be executed according to python’s print statement.

  • len (x) If the parameter is Tensor, len(x) can get the length of the 0th dimension of tensor x. While in dynamic-to-static graph model, It will be converted into a control_flow.array_length call. If the parameter is not Tensor, it will be executed according to python’s print statement.

  • lambda The to_static function will call convert_call to convert lambda function as it’s a normal function.

  • function call (not recursively) The to_static function will call convert_call to convert called function as it’s a normal function. Just put @to_static in the top-level function once.

examples :

def lambda_call(x):
    t = lambda x : x * x
    z = t(x)
    return z
# if the x is Tensor([2.0]) ,then z equals to Tensor([4.0]).

unsupported usage

  • recursively call While converting, converted function can’t get value from static tensor.

def recur_call(x):
    if x > 10:
        return x
    return recur_call(x * x) # < ------ If x = Tensor([2.0]) ,in dygraph mode the output is Tensor([16]),while in dygraph-to-static graph mode call stack overflows

list / dict

principle :

  1. list: if all elements in a list are Tensors, then ProgramTranslator converts it to TensorArray. PaddlePaddle static graph TensorArray supports append, pop, and modify, other list operations such as sort cannot be supported. When not all elements in a list are Tensors, ProgramTranslator will treat it as normal Python list.

  2. dict: ProgramTranslator will add the Tensors in a dict into PaddlePaddle static graph Program, so dict is supported by ProgramTranslator.

def list_example(x, y):
     a = [ x ]   # < ------ supported
     a.append(x) # < ------ supported
     a[1] = y    # < ------ supported
     return a[0] # < ------ supported

Note: List does not support multiple nesting and other operations. For specific error cases, see below.

unsupported usage

  • multiple nesting

For example: l = [[tensor1, tensor2], [tensor3, tensor4]], because ProgramTranslator transformed a list whose elements are all Tensors into PaddlePaddle static graph TensorArray, but TensorArray doesn’t support multi-dimensions, ProgramTranslator cannot run this case.

We suggest to use 1-D list at most time, or use PaddlePaddle API create_array, array_read, array_write to control TensorArray.

  • complex operators, such as sort

def sort_list(x, y):
    a = [x, y]
    sort(a)   # < -----  unsupported
    return a


principle :

partial supported

  • Support simple usage of shape, such as get the shape of a tensor.

  • Don’t support get shape after a reshape operators. You may get a -1 in shape value.

For example, x = reshape(x, shape=shape_tensor) , then use x.shape[0] to do other operation. Due to the difference between dynamic and static graph, it is okay in dynamic but it will fail in static graph. The reason is that APIs return computation result in dynamic graph mode, so x.shape has deterministic value after calling reshape . However, static graph doesn’t have the value shape_tensor during building network, so PaddlePaddle doesn’t know the value of x.shape after calling reshape. PaddlePaddle static graph will set -1 to represent unknown shape value for each dimension of x.shape in this case, not the expected value. Similarily, calling the shape of the output tensor of those APIs which change the shape, such as expend, cannot be converted into static graph properly.

examples :

def get_shape(x):
    return x.shape[0] # <---- supported
def error_shape(x, y):
    y = y.cast('int32')
    t = x.reshape(y)
    return t.shape[0] # <------- don't supported ; if x = Tensor([2.0, 1.0]),y = Tensor([2]),in dygraph mode the output is 2,while in dygraph-to-static graph mode the output is -1.