- paddle.static. load_from_file ( path ) [source]
Load file in binary mode.
- Parameters
path (str) – Path of an existed file.
- Returns
Content of file.
- Return type
import paddle paddle.enable_static() path_prefix = "./infer_model" # 用户自定义网络,此处用 softmax 回归为例。 image = paddle.static.data(name='img', shape=[None, 28, 28], dtype='float32') label = paddle.static.data(name='label', shape=[None, 1], dtype='int64') predict = paddle.static.nn.fc(image, 10, activation='softmax') loss = paddle.nn.functional.cross_entropy(predict, label) exe = paddle.static.Executor(paddle.CPUPlace()) exe.run(paddle.static.default_startup_program()) # 序列化参数 serialized_params = paddle.static.serialize_persistables([image], [predict], exe) # 将序列化之后的参数保存到文件 params_path = path_prefix + ".params" paddle.static.save_to_file(params_path, serialized_params) # 从文件加载序列化之后的参数 serialized_params_copy = paddle.static.load_from_file(params_path)