- class paddle.autograd. saved_tensors_hooks ( pack_hook, unpack_hook ) [source]
Dynamic graph, registers a pair of pack / unpack hooks for saved tensors.
- Parameters
pack_hook (function) – The pack hook will be called every time the forward operation inputs/outputs tensors need be saved for backward. Then you can save it to CPU or Disk. The input of pack_hook is a tensor need be saved. The output of pack_hook is then stored information instead of the original tensor. pack_hook will also be called while any tensor need be saved by PyLayerContext.save_for_backward. If a tensor saved for backward is no need buffer, pack_hook will not be called. Only the tensor saved for backward is LoDTensor, pack_hook will be called.
unpack_hook (function) – The unpack hook will be called every time the backward need use the saved inputs/outputs tensors. Then you can reload the tensor and return it to paddle framework. The input of unpack_hook is the information returned by pack_hook. The output of unpack_hook is a tensor reloaded by the information, and the tensor mast has the same content as the original tensor passed as input to the corresponding pack_hook.
- Returns
# Example1 import paddle
- def pack_hook(x):
print(“Packing”, x) return x.numpy()
- def unpack_hook(x):
print(“UnPacking”, x) return paddle.to_tensor(x)
a = paddle.ones([3,3]) b = paddle.ones([3,3]) * 2 a.stop_gradient = False b.stop_gradient = False with paddle.autograd.saved_tensors_hooks(pack_hook, unpack_hook):
y = paddle.multiply(a, b)
# Example2 import paddle from paddle.autograd import PyLayer
- class cus_multiply(PyLayer):
@staticmethod def forward(ctx, a, b):
y = paddle.multiply(a, b) ctx.save_for_backward(a, b) return y
@staticmethod def backward(ctx, dy):
a,b = ctx.saved_tensor() grad_a = dy * a grad_b = dy * b return grad_a, grad_b
- def pack_hook(x):
print(“Packing”, x) return x.numpy()
- def unpack_hook(x):
print(“UnPacking”, x) return paddle.to_tensor(x)
a = paddle.ones([3,3]) b = paddle.ones([3,3]) * 2 a.stop_gradient = False b.stop_gradient = False with paddle.autograd.saved_tensors_hooks(pack_hook, unpack_hook):
y = cus_multiply.apply(a, b)