- save ( filepath: str, src: paddle.Tensor, sample_rate: int, channels_first: bool = True, encoding: Optional[str] = None, bits_per_sample: Optional[int] = 16 ) [source]
Save audio tensor to file.
- Parameters
filepath – saved path
src – the audio tensor
sample_rate – the number of samples of audio per second.
channels_first – src channel information if True, means input tensor is (channels, time) if False, means input tensor is (time, channels)
encoding – audio encoding format, wave_backend only support PCM16 now.
bits_per_sample – bits per sample, wave_backend only support 16 bits now.
- Returns
import paddle sample_rate = 16000 wav_duration = 0.5 num_channels = 1 num_frames = sample_rate * wav_duration wav_data = paddle.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, num_frames) * 0.1 waveform = wav_data.tile([num_channels, 1]) filepath = "./test.wav", waveform, sample_rate)