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fastdeploy::IpuOption Struct Reference

Option object to configure GraphCore IPU. More...

#include <option.h>

Public Attributes

int ipu_device_num
 IPU device id.
int ipu_micro_batch_size
 the batch size in the graph, only work when graph has no batch shape info
bool ipu_enable_pipelining
 enable pipelining
int ipu_batches_per_step
 the number of batches per run in pipelining
bool ipu_enable_fp16
 enable fp16
int ipu_replica_num
 the number of graph replication
float ipu_available_memory_proportion
 the available memory proportion for matmul/conv
bool ipu_enable_half_partial
 enable fp16 partial for matmul, only work with fp16

Detailed Description

Option object to configure GraphCore IPU.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: