Introduction to Data Type Promotion

This article introduces PaddlePaddle’s data type promotion mechanism, aiding better usage of PaddlePaddle.


Type promotion automatically determines the resulting data type when performing operations (+/-/*//) on different data types. This essential function facilitates data calculations between varied types.

Type promotion calculations are categorized based on the call method:

  • Operator Overloading: Uses operators directly for computations, such as a + b or a - b.

  • Binary API: Uses API functions for computations, such as paddle.add(a, b).

Data type promotion automatically handles type promotion without user intervention.

Type Promotion Rules

The scope and rules of type promotion differ between Tensor-to-Tensor and Tensor-to-Scalar operations. The following will be introduced separately.

   import paddle

   a = paddle.rand([3,3], dtype = 'float16')
   b = paddle.rand([3,3], dtype = 'float32')
   print (a + b) # when both a and b is tensor, treats as Tensor-to-Tensor

   a = paddle.rand([3,3], dtype = 'float16')
   b = 1.0
   print (a + b) # when either a or b is Scalar, treats as Tensor-to-Scalar
  1. Type Promotion Rules in Tensor-to-Tensor

  • In model training, computations between different data types are usually limited to floating-point types. To help users quickly troubleshoot type-related issues, automatic type promotion between Tensors will only support calculations between floating-point types, as well as between complex and real numbers. The principle is to return the larger data type of the two Tensors. More details are shown in the table below:

+/-/* bf16 f16 f32 f64 bool u8 i8 i16 i32 i64 c64 c128
bf16 bf16 f32 f32 f64 - - - - - - c64 c128
f16 f32 f16 f32 f64 - - - - - - c64 c128
f32 f32 f32 f32 f64 - - - - - - c64 c128
f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 - - - - - - c128 c128
bool - - - - - - - - - - c64 c128
u8 - - - - - - - - - - c64 c128
i8 - - - - - - - - - - c64 c128
i16 - - - - - - - - - - c64 c128
i32 - - - - - - - - - - c64 c128
i64 - - - - - - - - - - c64 c128
c64 c64 c64 c64 c64 c64 c64 c64 c64 c64 c128 c64 c128
c128 c128 c128 c128 c128 c128 c128 c128 c128 c128 c128 c128 c128
  • Taking Paddle add (a, b) as an example, in the table above, the row represents ‘a’ and the column represents ‘b’.

Sample Code:

   import paddle

   # Calculation between floating points
   a = paddle.rand([3,3], dtype = 'float16')
   b = paddle.rand([3,3], dtype = 'float32')
   c = a + b # type promotion will automatically occur, casting 'a' to float32, and no additional user actions required
   print (c.dtype) # the dtype of 'c' is float32

   a = paddle.rand([3,3], dtype = 'bfloat16')
   b = paddle.rand([3,3], dtype = 'float64')
   c = a + b # type promotion will automatically occur, casting 'a' to float64, and no additional user actions required
   print (c.dtype) # the dtype of 'c' is float64

   # Calculation between complex and real number
   a = paddle.ones([3,3], dtype = 'complex64')
   b = paddle.rand([3,3], dtype = 'float64')
   c = a + b # type promotion will automatically occur, casting both 'a' and 'b' to complex128, and no additional user actions required
   print (c.dtype) # the dtype of 'c' is complex128

   # Calculation between complex numbers
   a = paddle.ones([3,3], dtype = 'complex128')
   b = paddle.ones([3,3], dtype = 'complex64')
   c = a + b # type promotion will automatically occur, casting 'b' to complex128, and no additional user actions required
   print (c.dtype) # the dtype of 'c' is complex128
  1. Type Promotion Rules in Tensor-to-Scalar

  • Type promotion between Tensor and Scalar supports all types. The principle is to promote towards the Tensor’s type when the Scalar’s broad type (both are integers or both are floating-point, etc.) matches. Otherwise, the result follows the Tensor-to-Tensor rules.

  • The scalar operand has default dtype: int -> int64,float -> float32, bool -> bool, complex -> complex64. More Details show in this table:

+/-/* bool int float complex
bool bool i64 f32 c64
u8 u8 u8 f32 c64
i8 i8 i8 f32 c64
i16 i16 i16 f32 c64
i32 i32 i32 f32 c64
i64 i64 i64 f32 c64
bf16 bf16 bf16 bf16 c64
f16 f16 f16 f16 c64
f32 f32 f32 f32 c64
f64 f64 f64 f64 c128
c64 c64 c64 c64 c64
c128 c128 c128 c128 c128

Sample Code:

   import paddle

   # Both Scalar and Tensor are floating-point, then return Tensor's type
   a = paddle.rand([3,3], dtype = 'float16')
   b = 1.0
   c = a + b # type promotion will automatically occur, casting 'b' to float16, and no additional user actions required
   print (c.dtype) # the dtype of 'c' is float16

   # Scalar and Tensor unmatch in broad type, the result follows the Tensor-to-Tensor rules
   a = 1.0
   b = paddle.ones([3,3], dtype = 'int64')
   c = a + b # type promotion will automatically occur, casting 'b' to float32, and no additional user actions required
   print (c.dtype) # the dtype of 'c' is float16

How to Use Type Promotion

  1. For Supported Case

   import paddle
   a = paddle.rand([3,3], dtype = 'float16')
   b = paddle.rand([3,3], dtype = 'float32')
   c = a + b # type promotion will automatically occur, casting 'a' to float32, and no additional user actions required
   print (c.dtype) # float32

   # Coincidence computative law
   d = b + a
   print (d.dtype) # float32
   print (paddle.allclose(c, d)) # Tensor(shape=[], dtype=bool, place=Place(gpu:0), stop_gradient=True, True)

   # Same with binary API
   e = paddle.add(a, b)
   print (e.dtype) # float32
   print (paddle.allclose(c, e)) # Tensor(shape=[], dtype=bool, place=Place(gpu:0), stop_gradient=True, True)

   # Same with static graph
   exe = paddle.static.Executor()
   train_program = paddle.static.Program()
   startup_program = paddle.static.Program()
   with paddle.static.program_guard(train_program, startup_program):
       a = paddle.rand([3,3], dtype = 'float16')
       b = paddle.rand([3,3], dtype = 'float32')
       f = paddle.add(a, b)
       res =, fetch_list=[f])
   print (res[0].dtype) # float32
   print (paddle.allclose(c, paddle.to_tensor(res[0]))) # Tensor(shape=[], dtype=bool, place=Place(gpu:0), stop_gradient=True, True)

2、For Unsupported Case

   import paddle
   a = paddle.ones([3,3], dtype = 'int64')
   b = paddle.rand([3,3], dtype = 'float32')
   c = a + b # due to the unsupported of automatic type promotion between int and float, TypeError will be raised

   # For those unsupported cases, we suggest that users manually perform type promotion
   # method 1: use astype API
   a = a.astype("float32")
   a = a.astype(b.dtype)

   # method 2:use cast API
   a = paddle.cast(a, "float32")
   a = paddle.cast(a, b.dtype)

The Scope of Type Promotion

As of Paddle version 2.6, the supported binary APIs and their rules are as follows:

Number API Tensor-to-Tensor Tensor-to-Scalar
1 add Common Common
2 subtract Common Rule Common Rule
3 multiply Common Rule Common Rule
4 divide Common Rule Divide Rule
5 floor_divide Common Rule Common Rule
6 pow Common Rule Common Rule
7 equal Logic Rule Logic Rule
8 not_equal Logic Rule Logic Rule
9 less_than Logic Rule Logic Rule
10 less_equal Logic Rule Logic Rule
11 greater_than Logic Rule Logic Rule
12 greater_equal Logic Rule Logic Rule
13 logical_and Logic Rule Logic Rule
14 logical_or Logic Rule Logic Rule
15 logical_xor Logic Rule Logic Rule
16 bitwise_and - Common Rule
17 bitwise_or - Common Rule
18 bitwise_xor - Common Rule
19 where Common Rule Common Rule
20 fmax Common Rule -
21 fmin Common Rule -
22 logaddexp Common Rule -
23 maximum Common Rule -
24 minimum Common Rule -
25 remainder(mod) Common Rule Common Rule
26 huber_loss Common Rule -
27 nextafter Common Rule -
28 atan2 Common Rule -
29 poisson_nll_loss Common Rule -
30 l1_loss Common Rule -
31 huber_loss Common Rule -
32 mse_loss Common Rule -

There are two specail rules in this table above:

  • Divide Rule: For divide API, it will not return dtype smaller than float. Such as int32 / Scalar returns float32.

   import paddle
   a = paddle.ones([3,3], dtype = 'int32')
   b = 1
   c = a / b
   print (c.dtype) # float32
  • Logic Rule: For logical API, since complex types cannot be directly used for logical operations, calculations involving complex types are not within the scope of type promotion support. Within the supported scope, all results return bool type.

   import paddle
   a = paddle.rand([3,3], dtype = 'float32')
   b = paddle.rand([3,3], dtype = 'float16')
   c = a == b
   print (c.dtype) # bool


Paddle ensures that calculations comply with the commutative property while supporting data type promotion, with consistent results for operator overloading and binary APIs, as well as for dynamic and static graphs. This article clarifies the rules and scope of data type promotion, summarizes the types of binary APIs that support data type promotion in the current version, and aims to enhance user convenience when using PaddlePaddle by introducing usage methods.