新增 OP¶
本文主要介绍如何添加 ARM CPU/GPU(OpenCL 和 Metal) 和 Host 后端 OP 算子实现。以添加 Argmax 为例,将详细说明新增 Op 的方法。
1. 添加 OpParam 结构体以传导 Op 的输入和输出¶
结构体,代码如下:struct ArgmaxParam : ParamBase { lite::Tensor* X{}; lite::Tensor* Out{}; int Axis{0}; int dtype{-1}; bool keepdims{false}; };
2. 添加 Argmax Op 并注册¶
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/operators/ 目录下新建 argmax_op.h 文件,主要代码如下:
class ArgmaxOpLite : public OpLite { public: ArgmaxOpLite() {} explicit ArgmaxOpLite(const std::string &op_type) : OpLite(op_type) {} bool CheckShape() const override; bool InferShapeImpl() const override; bool AttachImpl(const cpp::OpDesc &opdesc, lite::Scope *scope) override; void AttachKernel(KernelBase *kernel) override { kernel->SetParam(param_); } std::string DebugString() const override { return "argmax"; } #ifdef LITE_WITH_PROFILE void GetOpRuntimeInfo(paddle::lite::profile::OpCharacter *ch) { auto input_dims = param_.X->dims(); auto output_dims = param_.Out->dims(); ch->input_shape = ch->DimToStr(input_dims); ch->output_shape = ch->DimToStr(output_dims); ch->remark = "axis" + std::to_string(param_.Axis); auto axis = param_.Axis; if (axis < 0) { axis += input_dims.size(); } int max_num = 1; for (int64_t i = axis + 1; i < input_dims.size(); i++) max_num *= input_dims[i]; float gops = 1.0f; for (int i = 1; i <= max_num; i++) gops *= i; ch->macs = gops * output_dims.production(); } #endif private: mutable ArgmaxParam param_; };
目录下新建 argmax_op.cc 文件,需要具体实现CheckShape()
函数绑定 Op 的输入输出。然后在 argmax_op.cc 文件中注册 Argmax,核心代码如下:bool ArgmaxOpLite::CheckShape() const { CHECK_OR_FALSE(param_.X); CHECK_OR_FALSE(param_.Out); CHECK_OR_FALSE(param_.Axis < static_cast<int>((param_.X)->dims().size())); CHECK_OR_FALSE(param_.Axis >= static_cast<int>(-(param_.X)->dims().size())); return true; } bool ArgmaxOpLite::InferShapeImpl() const { auto x_dims = param_.X->dims(); int x_rank = x_dims.size(); int axis = param_.Axis; if (axis < 0) { axis += x_rank; } std::vector<int64_t> out_dims; for (int64_t i = 0; i < axis; i++) out_dims.push_back(x_dims[i]); if (param_.keepdims) { out_dims.push_back(static_cast<int64_t>(1)); } for (int64_t i = axis + 1; i < x_rank; i++) out_dims.push_back(x_dims[i]); // Set output dims param_.Out->Resize(lite::DDim(out_dims)); return true; } bool ArgmaxOpLite::AttachImpl(const cpp::OpDesc &op_desc, lite::Scope *scope) { auto x = op_desc.Input("X").front(); auto out = op_desc.Output("Out").front(); if (op_desc.HasAttr("keepdims")) { param_.keepdims = op_desc.GetAttr<bool>("keepdims"); } if (op_desc.HasAttr("dtype")) { param_.dtype = op_desc.GetAttr<int>("dtype"); } param_.X = scope->FindVar(x)->GetMutable<lite::Tensor>(); param_.Out = scope->FindVar(out)->GetMutable<lite::Tensor>(); param_.Axis = op_desc.GetAttr<int64_t>("axis"); return true; } REGISTER_LITE_OP(arg_max, paddle::lite::operators::ArgmaxOpLite);
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/operators/CMakeLists.txt 中添加
add_operator(argmax_op basic SRCS argmax_op.cc)
3. 添加 Argmax Kernel 并绑定¶
Paddle Lite 有 Host, ARM, x86, OpenCL, Metal, NNAdapter 等多种后端,同一 Op 在不同后端的代码实现细节不同,因此需要具体讨论。
3.1 Host 端¶
Host 端算子用于添加无优化实现的算子,可以在各个硬件平台运行的算子。现以 Host 端 Argmax 实现为例说明:
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/kernels/host/ 目录下新建 argmax_compute.h 文件,声明 ArgmaxCompute 类,并继承 KernelLite,主要代码如下:
template <typename T> class ArgmaxCompute : public KernelLite<TARGET(kHost), PRECISION(kAny)> { public: using param_t = operators::ArgmaxParam; void Run() override; virtual ~ArgmaxCompute() = default; #ifdef LITE_WITH_PROFILE virtual void SetProfileRuntimeKernelInfo( paddle::lite::profile::OpCharacter* ch) { ch->kernel_func_name = kernel_func_name_; } std::string kernel_func_name_{"NotImplForArgmax"}; #endif };
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/kernels/host/ 目录下新建 argmax_compute.cc 文件,主要实现 Run 函数。
函数调用 Paddle-Lite/lite/backends/host/math/argmax.h 中的argmax_func()
函数,根据输入计算输出。最后在 argmax_compute.cc 文件中,我们绑定 Argmax 的输入输出(为 Tensor 的输入参数都需要绑定),代码如下:template <typename T> void ArgmaxCompute<T>::Run() { auto& param = Param<operators::ArgmaxParam>(); lite::Tensor* input = param.X; lite::Tensor* output = param.Out; int axis = param.Axis; if (axis < 0) { axis += input->dims().size(); } switch (param.dtype) { // default indices type: int64_t case -1: { lite::arm::math::argmax_func<T, int64_t>(input, axis, output); break; } // static_cast<int>(lite::core::FluidType::INT32) == 2 case 2: { lite::arm::math::argmax_func<T, int32_t>(input, axis, output); break; } // static_cast<int>(lite::core::FluidType::INT64) == 3 case 3: { lite::arm::math::argmax_func<T, int64_t>(input, axis, output); break; } default: { LOG(FATAL) << "Attribute `dtype` in arg_max op must be 2 or 3, which " "indicates that indices dtype must be int32 or int64, " "default dtype is int64."; break; } } #ifdef LITE_WITH_PROFILE kernel_func_name_ = "argmax_func"; #endif return; } REGISTER_LITE_KERNEL(arg_max, kHost, kAny, kNCHW, paddle::lite::kernels::host::ArgmaxCompute<float>, fp32) .BindInput("X", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kHost), PRECISION(kFloat))}) .BindOutput("Out", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kHost), PRECISION(kAny))}) .BindPaddleOpVersion("arg_max", 1) .Finalize();
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/kernels/host/CMakeLists.txt 中添加
add_kernel(argmax_compute_arm Host basic SRCS argmax_compute.cc)
3.2 ARM 端¶
以 ARM 端 Argmax 实现为例说明:
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/kernels/arm/ 目录下新建 argmax_compute.h 文件,声明 ArgmaxCompute 类,并继承 KernelLite,主要代码如下:
template <typename T> class ArgmaxCompute : public KernelLite<TARGET(kARM), PRECISION(kAny)> { public: using param_t = operators::ArgmaxParam; void Run() override; virtual ~ArgmaxCompute() = default; #ifdef LITE_WITH_PROFILE virtual void SetProfileRuntimeKernelInfo( paddle::lite::profile::OpCharacter* ch) { ch->kernel_func_name = kernel_func_name_; } std::string kernel_func_name_{"NotImplForArgmax"}; #endif };
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/kernels/arm/ 目录下新建 argmax_compute.cc 文件,主要实现 Run 函数。
函数调用 Paddle-Lite/lite/backends/arm/math/argmax.h 中的argmax_func()
函数,根据输入计算输出。最后在 argmax_compute.cc 文件中,我们绑定 Argmax 的输入输出(为 Tensor 的输入参数都需要绑定),代码如下:template <typename T> void ArgmaxCompute<T>::Run() { auto& param = Param<operators::ArgmaxParam>(); lite::Tensor* input = param.X; lite::Tensor* output = param.Out; int axis = param.Axis; if (axis < 0) { axis += input->dims().size(); } switch (param.dtype) { // default indices type: int64_t case -1: { lite::arm::math::argmax_func<T, int64_t>(input, axis, output); break; } // static_cast<int>(lite::core::FluidType::INT32) == 2 case 2: { lite::arm::math::argmax_func<T, int32_t>(input, axis, output); break; } // static_cast<int>(lite::core::FluidType::INT64) == 3 case 3: { lite::arm::math::argmax_func<T, int64_t>(input, axis, output); break; } default: { LOG(FATAL) << "Attribute `dtype` in arg_max op must be 2 or 3, which " "indicates that indices dtype must be int32 or int64, " "default dtype is int64."; break; } } #ifdef LITE_WITH_PROFILE kernel_func_name_ = "argmax_func"; #endif return; } REGISTER_LITE_KERNEL(arg_max, kARM, kAny, kNCHW, paddle::lite::kernels::arm::ArgmaxCompute<float>, fp32) .BindInput("X", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kARM), PRECISION(kFloat))}) .BindOutput("Out", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kARM), PRECISION(kAny))}) .BindPaddleOpVersion("arg_max", 1) .Finalize();
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/kernels/arm/CMakeLists.txt 中添加
add_kernel(argmax_compute_arm ARM basic SRCS argmax_compute.cc)
3.3 OpenCL 端¶
以 OpenCL 端 Argmax 实现为例说明:
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/kernels/opencl/ 目录下新建 argmax_image_compute.cc 文件,定义 ArgmaxComputeImage2D 类,并继承 KernelLite,ArgmaxComputeImage2D 类主要代码如下:
class ArgmaxComputeImage2D : public KernelLite<TARGET(kOpenCL), PRECISION(kFP16), DATALAYOUT(kImageDefault)> { public: using param_t = operators::ArgmaxParam; void PrepareForRun() override; void ReInitWhenNeeded() override; void Run() override; #ifdef LITE_WITH_PROFILE void SetProfileRuntimeKernelInfo( paddle::lite::profile::OpCharacter* ch) override; #endif };
重点介绍如下 4 个功能函数:
函数只在第一次运行时执行,主要功能为确定运行所需的参数、kernel 名字、编译 kernel 代码;ReInitWhenNeeded
函数只在第一次运行时和输入 shape 发生变化时执行,主要功能为根据 shape 信息确定线程分配;Run
函数在每次运行时均执行,主要功能为分配/获取 tensor 数据、执行 cl kernel 函数;SetProfileRuntimeKernelInfo
函数用于 profile。
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/kernels/opencl/CMakeLists.txt 中添加
add_kernel(argmax_opencl_image OPENCL basic SRCS argmax_image_compute.cc)
3.4 Metal 端¶
以 Metal 端 Argmax 实现为例说明:
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/kernels/metal/image_op 目录下新建 argmax_image_compute.h 文件,定义 ArgmaxImageCompute 类,并继承 KernelLite,ArgmaxImageCompute 类主要代码如下:
class ArgmaxImageCompute : public KernelLite<TARGET(kMetal), PRECISION(kFloat), DATALAYOUT(kMetalTexture2DArray)> { using param_t = operators::ArgmaxParam; public: void PrepareForRun() override; void Run() override; void SaveOutput() override { MetalDebug::SaveOutput((use_mps_ ? ("MPS_argmax") : function_name_), output_buffer_); }; virtual ~ArgmaxImageCompute(); };
重点介绍如下 3 个功能函数:
函数只在第一次运行时执行,主要功能为确定运行所需的参数、kernel 名字、编译 kernel 代码;Run
函数在每次运行时均执行,主要功能为分配/获取 tensor 数据、执行 Metal kernel 函数;SaveOutput
函数用于 Metal 每层结果的输出。
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/kernels/metal/image_op 目录下新建 argmax_image_compute.mm 文件,主要实现 PrepareForRun、Run 函数,代码如下:
void ArgmaxImageCompute::PrepareForRun() { auto& context = ctx_->As<MTLContext>(); metal_context_ = (MetalContext*)context.context(); const auto& param = this->Param<param_t>(); auto output_dims = param.Out->dims(); #ifdef LITE_WITH_METAL_FULL #else input_buffer_ = param.X->data<MetalHalf, MetalImage>(); output_buffer_ = param.Out->mutable_data<MetalHalf, MetalImage>( metal_context_, MetalImage::FourDimFrom(output_dims)); #endif // use mps or not bool should_use_mps = false; if (@available(iOS 12.0, *)) { if (metal_context_->use_mps()) { if( param.Axis == 1) should_use_mps = true; } } use_mps_ = should_use_mps; if (use_mps_) { setup_with_mps(); } else { setup_without_mps(); } } void ArgmaxImageCompute::Run() { @autoreleasepool { if (use_mps_) { run_with_mps(); } else { run_without_mps(); } } } REGISTER_LITE_KERNEL(arg_max, kMetal, kFloat, kMetalTexture2DArray, paddle::lite::kernels::metal::ArgmaxImageCompute, Int32) .BindInput("X", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kMetal), PRECISION(kFloat), DATALAYOUT(kMetalTexture2DArray))}) .BindOutput("Out", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kMetal), PRECISION(kInt64), DATALAYOUT(kMetalTexture2DArray))}) .Finalize();
Metal kernel 的实现方式有两种分别为 MPS 和非 MPS,在 PrepareForRun 函数中通过 use_mps_ 来判断具体采用的实现方式。
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/kernels/metal/CMakeLists.txt 中添加
add_kernel(argmax_metal_image METAL basic SRCS image_op/argmax_image_compute.mm)
4. 添加 Argmax 实现¶
4.1 Host 端¶
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/backends/host/math/ 目录下新建 argmax.h 文件,声明
函数,代码如下:template <typename InType, typename OutType> void argmax_func(const lite::Tensor* input, const int axis, lite::Tensor* output);
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/backends/host/math/ 目录下新建 argmax.cc 文件,具体实现
函数,代码如下:template <typename InType, typename OutType> void argmax_func(const lite::Tensor *input, const int axis, lite::Tensor *output) { auto input_ddim = input->dims(); auto output_ddim = output->dims(); const int size = input_ddim[axis]; const int in_channel = input_ddim.count(axis, input_ddim.size()); const int out_channel = output_ddim.count(axis, output_ddim.size()); const int in_stride = input_ddim.count(axis + 1, input_ddim.size()); const int out_stride = input_ddim.count(0, axis); for (int n = 0; n < out_stride; n++) { for (int k = 0; k < in_stride; k++) { const InType *in_ptr = input->data<InType>() + n * in_channel + k; std::vector<std::pair<InType, OutType>> vec; vec.resize(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { vec[i] = std::make_pair(in_ptr[i * in_stride], i); } // sort std::partial_sort(vec.begin(), vec.begin() + 1, vec.end(), std::greater<std::pair<InType, OutType>>()); // out OutType *out_ptr = output->mutable_data<OutType>() + n * out_channel + k; *out_ptr = vec[0].second; } } }
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/backends/host/math/CMakeLists.txt 中的
math_host library
中添加 argmax.cc,在 Paddle-Lite/lite/backends/host/math/funcs.h 中添加#include "lite/backends/host/math/argmax.h"
4.2 ARM 端¶
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/backends/arm/math/ 目录下新建 argmax.h 文件,声明
函数,代码如下:template <typename InType, typename OutType> void argmax_func(const lite::Tensor* input, const int axis, lite::Tensor* output);
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/backends/arm/math/ 目录下新建 argmax.cc 文件,具体实现
函数,代码如下:template <typename InType, typename OutType> void argmax_func(const lite::Tensor *input, const int axis, lite::Tensor *output) { auto input_ddim = input->dims(); auto output_ddim = output->dims(); const int size = input_ddim[axis]; const int in_channel = input_ddim.count(axis, input_ddim.size()); const int out_channel = output_ddim.count(axis, output_ddim.size()); const int in_stride = input_ddim.count(axis + 1, input_ddim.size()); const int out_stride = input_ddim.count(0, axis); for (int n = 0; n < out_stride; n++) { for (int k = 0; k < in_stride; k++) { const InType *in_ptr = input->data<InType>() + n * in_channel + k; std::vector<std::pair<InType, OutType>> vec; vec.resize(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { vec[i] = std::make_pair(in_ptr[i * in_stride], i); } // sort std::partial_sort(vec.begin(), vec.begin() + 1, vec.end(), std::greater<std::pair<InType, OutType>>()); // out OutType *out_ptr = output->mutable_data<OutType>() + n * out_channel + k; *out_ptr = vec[0].second; } } }
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/backends/arm/math/CMakeLists.txt 中的
math_arm library
中添加 argmax.cc,在 Paddle-Lite/lite/backends/arm/math/funcs.h 中添加#include "lite/backends/arm/math/argmax.h"
4.3 OpenCL 端¶
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/backends/opencl/cl_kernel/image/ 目录下新建 argmax_kernel.cl 文件,定义具体的 cl kernel 函数。
4.4 Metal 端¶
在 Paddle-Lite/lite/backends/metal/metal_kernel/texture/ 目录下新建 MaxKernel.metal 文件,定义具体的 arg_max_c 函数,其中输入的数据格式为 texture2d_array 。
kernel void arg_max_c(texture2d_array<ftype, access::read> inTexture[[texture(0)]], texture2d_array<ftype, access::write> outTexture[[texture(1)]], constant ArgParam& param[[buffer(0)]], uint3 gid[[thread_position_in_grid]]) { if (gid.x >= outTexture.get_width() || gid.y >= outTexture.get_height() || gid.z >= outTexture.get_array_size()) return; // dimensions = 4, CPU is NCHW, GPU is NHWC if (param.orank == 4) { int index = max_index(inTexture, gid.xy); outTexture.write(ftype4(index, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), gid.xy, gid.z); } // dimensions < 4, CPU is NCHW, GPU treat as NHWC else { uint ix = gid.z * 4; uint iy = gid.x; int index_r = max_index(inTexture, uint2(ix, iy)); int index_g = max_index(inTexture, uint2(ix + 1, iy)); int index_b = max_index(inTexture, uint2(ix + 2, iy)); int index_a = max_index(inTexture, uint2(ix + 3, iy)); outTexture.write(ftype4(index_r, index_g, index_b, index_a), gid.xy, gid.z); } }