
There are two data structures used in Fluid to host the data, namely Tensor and LoD_Tensor . LoD-Tensor is a unique concept of Fluid, which appends sequence information to Tensor. The data that can be transferred in the framework includes: input, output, and learnable parameters in the network. All of them are uniformly represented by LoD-Tensor. In addition, tensor can be regarded as a special LoD-Tensor.

Now let’s take a closer look at the operations related to these two types of data.


1. create_tensor

Tensor is used to carry data in the framework, using create_tensor to create a Lod-Tensor variable of the specified the data type.

API reference : api_fluid_layers_create_tensor

2. create_parameter

The neural network training process is a learning process for parameters. Fluid uses create_parameter to create a learnable parameter. The value of this parameter can be changed by the operator.

API reference : api_fluid_layers_create_parameter

3. create_global_var

Fluid uses create_global_var to create a global tensor and this API allows you to specify the data type, shape, and value of the Tensor variable being created.

API reference : api_fluid_layers_create_global_var

4. cast

Fluid uses cast to convert the data to the specified type.

API reference : api_fluid_layers_cast


Fluid uses concat to concatenate input data along a specified dimension.

API reference : api_fluid_layers_concat

6. sums

Fluid uses sums to sum up the input data.

API reference : api_fluid_layers_sums

7. fill_constant

Fluid uses fill_constant to create a Tensor with a specific shape and type. The initial value of this variable can be set via value.

API reference : api_fluid_layers_fill_constant

8. assign

Fluid uses assign to duplicate a variable.

API reference : api_fluid_layers_assign

9. argmin

Fluid uses argmin to calculate the index of the smallest element on the specified axis of Tensor.

API reference : api_fluid_layers_argmin

10. argmax

Fluid uses argmax to calculate the index of the largest element on the specified axis of Tensor.

API reference : api_fluid_layers_argmax

11. argsort

Fluid uses argsort to sort the input Tensor on the specified axis and it will return the sorted data variables and their corresponding index values.

API reference : api_fluid_layers_argsort

12. ones

Fluid uses ones to create a Tensor of the specified size and data type with an initial value of 1.

API reference : api_fluid_layers_ones

13. zeros

Fluid uses zeros to create a Tensor of the specified size and data type with an initial value of zero.

API reference : api_fluid_layers_zeros

14. reverse

Fluid uses reverse to invert Tensor along the specified axis.

API reference : api_fluid_layers_reverse


LoD-Tensor is very suitable for sequence data. For related knowledge, please read Tensor and LoD_Tensor .


Fluid uses create_lod_tensor to create a LoD_Tensor with new hierarchical information based on a numpy array, a list, or an existing LoD_Tensor.

API reference : api_fluid_create_lod_tensor

2. create_random_int_lodtensor

Fluid uses create_random_int_lodtensor to create a LoD_Tensor composed of random integers.

API reference : api_fluid_create_random_int_lodtensor

3. reorder_lod_tensor_by_rank

Fluid uses reorder_lod_tensor_by_rank to reorder the sequence information of the input LoD_Tensor in the specified order.

API reference : api_fluid_layers_reorder_lod_tensor_by_rank